
Holiday Schdule for Garbage and Recycling Pick Up

Due to the Labor  Day holiday, this week's schedule is as follows...

garbage pick up:
Monday moved to Tuesday
Tuesday moved to Wednesday
Thursday and Friday no changes

recycling pick up:
Wednesday moved to Saturday

Tamaqua Borough Office is Now a Drop Off Location for Port Carbon Flood Relief

The Tamaqua Borough Office is now officially a drop off location for items for our friends in neighboring Port Carbon. Please feel free to stop by our office…

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, July 17th. at 6:30 p.m.






Notice is hereby given by that the Borough of Tamaqua…

Recycling Change Due to July 4th. Holiday





Date:               June 26, 2018

Contact:          Kevin Steigerwalt, Borough Manager

Phone:       570-668-3444…

Water Bill Error

Attention residents of the East End and Dutch Hill may have received a duplicate water bill in error. Please just disregard the duplicate bill...we are sorry for any inconvenience or confusion.


Memorial Day Holiday Week Garbage and Recycling Schedule

Due to the Memorial Day holiday, this week's schedule is as follows...

garbage pick up:
Monday moved to Tuesday
Tuesday moved to Wednesday
Thursday and Friday no changes

recycling pick up:
Wednesday moved to Saturday

Detour Details Starting June 6th.

Click here for the map.

Truck Detour will be for all trucks over two axles. Normal truck turn-around will be via old 209
through Newkirk and Reevesdale. Last resort turn-around will be at the High School.

Hegarty Ave. will be one way west to east, from Nescopec Street to Berwick Street.

Rowe Street will remain…

Additional CRIZ Filing Information

Per our contact at the state, CRIZ filings only need to be completed if there is a business (including home-based businesses and/or SOLE PROPRIETORSHIPS) located in the property in the CRIZ zone. For clarification, if you are "in the business" of renting property, you DO need to file. If it is a ONLY a residence (owner-occupied or rented) filing does not need to be completed. CRIZ filings are required…

Road Closures for Construction Prep

Upcoming Parking Restrictions
(construction prep)

Wednesday, May 16th:
-No parking both sides of W. Broad St. from S. Railroad St. to Berwick St.
-No parking both sides of Berwick St

Thursday, May 17th:
-No parking both sides of W. Broad St. from S. Railroad St. to Berwick St.

File Your CRIZ report before June 15th

File Your CRIZ Report Before June 15th

Businesses located in the Tamaqua Community Revitalization and Improvement Zone, or “CRIZ” are reminded to file the required state tax report on or before June 15, 2018, for calendar year 2017. Tamaqua is the only borough to have the CRIZ designation, and one of just three in the Commonwealth. The program was established by a state law in 2013 and the…