





Notice is hereby given by that the Borough of Tamaqua will hold a public hearing on July 17, 2018 at 6:30 P.M in the Borough Council Chambers, 320 E. Broad St, Tamaqua. This meeting is accessible to persons with disabilities and/or persons with limited English proficiency.  If you wish to attend and require special accommodations, please notify Gary Bender, Schuylkill County Administrator, 570-628-1222 or  TDD users 7-1-1 PA Telecommunications Relay Center.


The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program in general, the needs of the community that can be met with CDBG funding, and performance under the previously funded CDBG program years and the Three-Year Community Development Plan.


Borough of Tamaqua expects to receive an allocation of $110,000 in FY 2018 CDBG funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  At least 70% of the funds must be used to benefit low and moderate income persons.  The proposed activities must benefit at least 51% low-moderate income persons in the service area to qualify as an eligible project.  Neither the schedule for submission nor the specific allocation figures have not yet been issues by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) but we anticipate a November submission.


The following types of activities may be eligible for funding under the CDBG Program:  water and sewer line replacement and improvements; housing rehabilitation; construction or improvements to community facilities such as community centers, roads, sidewalks and recreational facilities; public services; removal of architectural barriers; code enforcement; economic development; acquisition of property in support of other activities; demolition; and general administration.


If activities undertaken with grant funds would result in the displacement of families or individuals, then the Schuylkill County Anti-Displacement and Relocation Policy, would be in effect.  Schuylkill County would be responsible for replacing all low and moderate income housing units that may be demolished or converted as a result of the use of CDBG funds.


All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and give oral testimony at the Public hearing or present written comments concerning the needs of the community, proposed CDBG activities, the prior use of funds, as well as the CDBG program in general.  Comments may be submitted to the Schuylkill County Administrator, Court House, 401 N. 2nd St., Pottsville, PA 17901 or by    September 1, 2018.


By order of

Linda A. Deatrich, County Clerk