
February 7, 2022
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Planning Commission of the Borough of Tamaqua will conduct a meeting at the Tamaqua Municipal Building, 320 East Broad Street, Tamaqua, PA 18252, at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 24, 2022 to consider the following item:
1. The applicant is Outten Realty Management III, LLC; Hamburg, PA. The submitted application requests to combine tax parcel 65-1-5 and 65-1-4(1) to create a single parcel to be used as an automotive dealership. There is an existing dealership at 65-1-5, the annexation of 65-1-4(1) into 65-1-5 will bring the property closer to compliance to Section 1646 of The Eastern Schuylkill Planning Region Zoning Ordinance (ESPR). The property is located at 9 & 15 309 North Highway, Tamaqua PA 18252. The property is located in the H-C Zoning District.
BY ORDER OF: James R. Connely
Zoning Officer
Borough of Tamaqua
320 East Broad Street
Tamaqua, PA 18252