- Tamaqua Borough launches new utility billing system
The Borough of Tamaqua has instituted a new billing system that includes an online payment option and printed statements for its water, sewer, and refuse services.
“Postcard bills are a thing of the past. Our customers found them difficult to read, too many were being lost in the mail, and they took hours to print. Paper statements offer privacy and laser printing makes them much easier to read. The entire process is now streamlined,” says borough manager Kevin Steigerwalt.
Customers can expect to see the amount due and due date in both the top right and bottom left corners of the new statement and highlighted in yellow. Bills can then be paid by cash, check, money order, or credit card at the Municipal Building from 8 AM to 4 PM, paid by mail, or left in an envelope using the drop box located at the front of the building.
Online billing is also available and allows customers to view their current balance on all accounts, to monitor water usage, and to make online payments using VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover.
The system is operated by Muni-Link, a user-friendly and intuitive utility billing software that specializes in municipal systems. Muni-Link does add its own minimum $3 service charge for online payments, none of which goes to the borough. Other online options include “ACH” payment, which is an electronic payment made from a checking account, a service most banks offer at no charge.
To use online billing, customers must first obtain and enter a code found on forthcoming bills, or call the Municipal Building at 570-668-0300 to receive the code by phone. Then, visit http://tamaquaboro.authoritypay.com to set up a new online account.
“New billing systems and conversions always come with a few hiccups, so we appreciate how patient our customers have been,” says Tim Zeigler, who works in the water authority billing department.
“Just know to look for a bill to arrive in an envelope and call us if you have any problems,” he adds.
To learn more, visit www.tamaquaborough.com or call 570-668-0300.