Borough of Tamaqua
320 East Broad Street
Tamaqua, PA 18252
(570) 668-0300 Fax (570) 668-5818
HARC AGENDA November 2021
There will be a meeting of the Tamaqua Borough Historical Architectural Review Committee on Monday, November 1, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. in the Tamaqua Borough Council Chambers, 320 East Broad Street, Tamaqua, PA 18252, to review and act upon the following.
- The applicant is Erin E. Himmelberger, Warehaus Architects and Engineers, regarding the property located at 320 Lafayette Street in the R-4 Zoning District. The applicant is requesting to replace stoop, brick sidewalk, gutters and downspouts. The applicant would like to start exterior work, which shall consist of restoration of the main entry stoop for code compliance using salvaged materials, restoration of existing brick sidewalk using salvaged materials, restoration of all windows in place, new window for single openings where it is missing, restoration of one door in place, Restoration, and upgrade of two door openings, temporary enclosure of one door opening for a future project. Demolition of non-historic rear stairs and CMU connector building. Minor masonry cleaning and removal of organics from the site damaging the building. New utilities to the site as needed to support rehabilitation use. Single outside light fixture for Phase 1. New gutters and downspouts, replacement fascia, soffit, and rakes. It would be visible on Rowe Street and Lafayette Street.
- The applicant is 14 W Broad LLC regarding the property located at 14 West Broad Street in the G-C Zoning District. The applicant is requesting to remove and replace 3rd floor deck and stairs and replace them with a new one. This would be visible on Cottage Avenue.
- Approve minutes from September meeting.
Greg Kurtz, Jr.
Zoning Officer/Code Enforcement Officer