May 18, 2020
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Zoning Hearing Board of the Borough of Tamaqua will conduct a hearing at the Tamaqua Municipal Building, 320 East Broad Street, Tamaqua, PA 18252, at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 to consider the following items:
The applicant is Cary Bates, Tamaqua PA. The submitted application requests a variance to section 852, Section 1650.A.8, Section 855 and Section 1509 of The Eastern Schuylkill Planning Region Ordinance (ESPR). The property is located at 1313 E Broad Street Tamaqua PA 18252, Tax Parcel ID #65-25-0001.003. The applicant requests relief of The Eastern Schuylkill Planning Region Ordinance (ESPR) to allow the proposed Tavern to operate in the H-C zoning District where a tavern is not a permitted use, to allow the tavern to operate within 500 feet of existing PLCB licensed establishment, to allow reduced parking for the use and to allow construction within the 15 foot side yard. The property is located in the H-C Zoning District.
IMPORTANT: Due to the current statewide emergency declaration, and in accordance with Act 15 of 2020, personal appearances at this hearing shall be strictly limited to the members of the Board, the applicant’s representative(s), Court Reporter, Zoning Officer and Solicitor. All others, including interested members of the public, may attend this hearing remotely via Zoom video conference. To attend this hearing, go to and enter meeting ID: 847 6788 0856. All public comments must be submitted in writing to the Zoning Officer prior to the hearing by mail at the address below or by email to Only public comments submitted in writing before the hearing will be read and considered.
BY ORDER OF: Greg Kurtz Jr., BCO
Zoning Officer
Borough of Tamaqua
320 East Broad Street
Tamaqua, PA 18252